Find out what you need to have on hand for your appointment

To ensure that your scheduled appointment goes as smooth as possible, below is a list of items that you will need to provide so that we can better service you.
Tax Appointment Checklist
Personal information -
Last years income statements (W2 or 1099)
Full legal name
Social Security Number
Date of Birth for yourself, spouse and dependents
Dependent Provider, Name, Address, Tax ID and S.S.N.
Banking information for Direct Deposit (Routing and Account number)
Income Data Required -
Wages and/or Unemployment
Interest and/or Dividend Income
State/Local income tax refunded
Social Assistance Income
Pension/Annuity/Stock or Bond Sales
Contract/Partnership/Trust/Estate Income
Gambling/Lottery Winnings and Losses/Prizes/Bonus
Alimony Income
Rental Income
Self Employment/Tips
Foreign Income
Expense Data Required -
Dependent Care Costs
Education/Tuition Costs/Materials Purchased
Mortgage/Home Equity Loan Interest/Mortgage Insurance
Employment Related Expenses
Gambling/Lottery Expenses
Tax Return Preparation Expenses
Investment Expenses
Real Estate Taxes
Estimated Tax Payments to Federal and State Government
and Dates Paid
Home Property Taxes
Charitable Contributions Cash/Non-Cash
Purchase qualifying for Residential Energy Credit
IRA Contributions/Retirement Contributions
Home Purchase/Moving Expenses